What Is CAPS?
CAPS is the Chicago Alternative Police Strategy, a new partnership between the police and community. Rather than reacting to crime problems, CAPS brings the police and community together to try to identify and solve problems before hand. It takes a combined effort of the policy, community, and City government working together to fight crime. It has been recognized as one of the most ambitious community policing initiatives in the United States and is slowly improving the quality of life in Chicago neighborhoods. It’s a great way to meet the police officers on your beat, learn about crime in your neighborhood, get to know your neighbors and work together to prevent future crimes.How Do I Get Involved?
1. Find your District and Beat – click here.
2. Attend your Beat Meeting. What is a Beat meeting? They are meetings held once a month where residents and beat officers discuss priority crime and disorder issues and develop strategies to address those specific issues.
3. Become an informed decision-maker and problem-solver at the Beat Meetings.
4. Spread the word in your community.
Do you have any more questions? Take a look at the Chicago Police’s website.
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